Hamilton wins in Mexico

Hamilton wins in Mexico

Lewis Hamilton has won the Mexico Grand Prix but will have to wait at least one more week before being crowned world champion. Hamilton came out on top following a strategic battle between the four Mercedes and Ferrari drivers, and could clinch his sixth Championship at the US Grand Prix on Sunday. The title will be Hamilton’s if he does not lose more than 22 points to Mercedes team-mate Valtteri Bottas. Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel was second, ahead of Bottas and Charles Leclerc, and Hamilton was delighted to pick up his first win at the Mexico Grand Prix. “Firstly we’re going to applaud this incredible crowd – this is the best crowd we’ve ever seen,” he said. “Today is an incredible result. I have to say a huge thanks to my team – the guys continue to work incredibly hard and stay focused. “They came here on the back-foot and we pulled through we had a quite a bit of damage and the race was a struggle. I kept my head down and it felt like a long second stint.” When asked about not winning the championship on the day, he added: “I don’t mind, I love racing and I take it one race at a time and this is a race I’ve wanted to win for some time and it’s been a bit tricky for us and today opportunity and the car holding together as it did and the team executing their best strategy.”